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Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB)
Transforming Touch® | Transforming Presence
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB) is also referred to as Transforming Touch®, this is a regulation-focused trauma-informed model for the treatment of developmental trauma. The premise of this approach is that all behavior has meaning and for those who have experienced developmental trauma, the meaning may be largely unknown. Through therapeutic touch and presence this method supports the development of somatic trust which opens the nervous system to reparative potential of early ruptures, attachment woundings, and primitive reflex intervention. By partnering on somatic trust, we are looking for increased regulation rather than targeting pathology.
In the experience of developmental trauma, aspects of your healing and recovery may be supported with neurodevelopmental repair and reorganization beginning with the earliest developmental phases of your brain. Brain development begins in the hindbrain (brainstem and cerebellum) developing forward or back to front into the midbrain (limbic region) and last the forebrain (cortex). Scientifically this is referenced as the triune brain. When our hindbrain to midbrain development is interrupted as in the experience of developmental trauma our neural networks are not adequately nourished to flourish into maturation. Essentially, if you experienced times in childhood during which you had to “grow up fast” you in fact didn’t grow up and your brain, nervous system, and body have compensated through survival physiology into your adulthood. Limitations and interruptions to neurodevelopment will disguise itself in a multitude of physical, social, and emotional conditions and diagnoses.
What this means is that your body is working overtime to keep you safe and secure which is exhausting for you. When we feel exhausted we lean on crutches to offer a sense of relief. You may be finding yourself in a time that the crutches are no longer relieving or beneficial to you. Finding your way to regulation in relationship with your body can help you.
How might TEB help you?
Regulation-focused therapy is beneficial to everyone. We all operate in our own nervous system and when we intentionally develop regulation within ourselves, our ability to cope with life’s difficulties becomes easier. Regulation-focused therapy improves your relationship with your Self, your relationships with others, and your relationship to life.
Choosing to utilize TEB in session is like choosing to listen closely to your nervous system. It’s as though your nervous system has been trying to get your attention and by coming into therapy with Transforming Touch® you are telling your nervous system that you’re prepared to listen and be present to what it’s sharing with you.
Want to learn if TEB might work for you?
You can find out more by following the links shared and you can also feel welcome to connect with me directly to talk about your current experience to see if we may be well paired to begin care.
Austin Attachment and Counseling Center
Research on the Effects of Touch
Nurturing Resilience by Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell
About my certification and specialization:
I am a Transforming Touch® Practitioner (TTP) trained and certified with Dr. Stephen Terrell, PsyD, SEP, creator of Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB), founder of Austin Attachment and Counseling Center, and co-author of Nurturing Resilience along with his lead assistant, Ellen Keating, PsyD, SEP. I am in regular consultation with Dr. Terrell and Ellen to continue learning and deepening somatic healing and skill development.